The mission of Coast Guard Basic Training is to transform America’s civilian volunteers into military members of the United Stated Coast Guard. In the eight weeks of Basic Training in the Coast Guard recruits will learn the importance of teamwork, hard work and positive attitude. Coast Guard Basic Training can be broken down to 5 stages through the eight weeks:
- Arrival
- Company Formation
- Learning the Basics
- Practical Training
- Preparation for Your First Unit
- Graduation
You are about to get underway on an eight-week journey that will take you to a level where you can serve your country with professionalism and effectiveness. You will develop confidence, teamwork skills and learn what it means to live in accordance with our Core Values of Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty.
The training is tough. We save lives and enforce the law. This is too important and challenging for those who are unprepared.
When you arrive at Cape May, the forming process begins. The goal of forming is to get you ready to train. You will go through medical screening and administrative processing. You will also receive your uniforms and a haircut. This is your first step towards your transition from civilian to becoming a Coast Guard member. During forming week, you may not feel like a military member, but you will begin to look and act like one.
Company Formation
After forming week you will be assigned to a Recruit Training Company, and meet your Company Commanders (CCs). If you are like most people, your lead CC and assistant CC will be among the most significant influences in your life. They will ensure that you overcome the challenges of training and make the transition from civilian to Coast Guard member.
Your first weekend with your company will be a challenging time for you. You will learn how to act as a member of a team, and how to obey orders. Many recruits find this the most difficult period in Boot Camp.
Prepare yourself for this. Remember that the beginning is hard but you will quickly learn how to meet the many requirements and challenges placed upon you. Your objective here is simply to get “squared away” and begin your transformation.
Learning The Basics
Your first order of business is an introduction to physical fitness and required knowledge. You will start learning military drill, military customs and courtesies, and begin basic Coast Guard orientation. The more required knowledge you can memorize before you arrive for training, the better off you will be. Some of your required knowledge is listed in here.
Practical Training
Your training during this period will be much more practical and hands on. You will learn fire fighting and marksmanship. You will learn about line handling and seamanship, and you will also continue with classroom instruction.
At the end of the fourth training week you will take the mid-term exam and when you pass it, your training will take a significant turn. You will complete your Assignment Data Card (ADC). Recruit assignments are limited to district only, per the EPM-2 non-rate assignments branch. The Coast Guard will assign you to a ship or shore unit depending on the needs of the service, but we will attempt to match that need with your preferences.
The Coast Guard has a priority to fill certain billets as follows: Operational Afloat, Operational Ashore, Operations Support, and finally General Support. Therefore, the majority of all recruits find their first duty is operational. You will be required to contact your new unit and speak with a designated sponsor who will give you the information you need to make a successful transition to new duties.
Preparation for your First Unit
At the end of the fifth training week, you receive orders to your first assignment and things start happening quickly. By this phase of training, you are conducting yourself as a member of the armed forces. Your training is progressing through practical areas, like first aid and watch standing. Learning about your military entitlements will also prepare you for upcoming travel arrangements and graduation. All of these details will be taken care of prior to your departure from Cape May.
Graduation is the culmination of the Recruit Training program and a proud moment for the graduates, their families and the Training Center staff. Graduation ceremonies are usually held each Friday morning at 1100. The ceremonies are typically held outdoors. In the event of inclement weather, graduations are held in the Training Center gymnasium. The family of each recruit is sent a letter informing them of the details of the graduation ceremony. For more information on graduation, parents may check the Cape May website at http://www.uscg.mil/hq/capemay/visitorinfo/visitorinformation.asp
Week One
You arrive at Cape May, NJ, the only basic training camp for the Coast Guard. As soon as you arrive the forming process begins. The goal of forming is to get you ready to train. Seaman recruits will go through medical screening, administrative processing and receive your uniform. In the first week you will begin to learn discipline and working as a team. By the first week end you will meet your Company Commander (CC) and be assigned to a Recruit Training Company. Many consider the first weekend the most difficult as you learn how to act as a team member and how to obey orders. To survive week one you need to be quiet, move as fast, and do exactly what the Company Commander tells you.
Week Two
You continue to learn to work as a team and learn to obey orders. CC will ensure that you overcome the challenges of training and make sure you fulfill the mission of Coast Guard Basic Training. Week 2 begins to get much more physical. When you wake up, recruits begin by running a mile. You will jump off a five or six foot platform, swim 100 meters, and tread water for 5 minutes to pass your swim assessment. You will add workout sessions in the gym to your training. You will be issued a 9 pound rifle for rifle drills from the manual of arms. Hopefully, you have prepared yourself for many of the basics prior to shipping off to basic training. Classroom training will include learning how to salute and the insignia that denotes rank.
Week Three
More of learning the basics with a lot of physical training and learning team work. Come prepared and remember it may be hard at the beginning, but this is the beginning of your transformation into a Guardian and you will adapt quickly. By the end of week three you should have military customs and courtesies in place, be more comfortable with military drills.
Week Four
You will take your physical fitness test in week 4 and you will also take a mid-term exam. After you pass you will fill out your “Dream Sheet” where you indicate the geographic location for your first assignment and the type of unit you would like to serve. Your company will perform several team work exercises. Everyone will go to the gun range for training and you may qualify as a sharp shooter. You will also begin to have more hands on training. Classroom seaman ship training will include learning to tie the different knots.
Week Five, Six and Seven
At the end of the fifth training week, you receive orders to your first assignment and things start happening quickly. By this phase of training, you are conducting yourself as a member of the Armed Forces. Your training is progressing through practical areas, like first aid, and watch standing. Learning about your military entitlements will also prepare you for upcoming travel arrangements and graduation. All of these details will be taken care of prior to your departure from Cape May.
Week Eight
Graduation is the culmination of the Recruit Training program and a proud moment for the graduates, their families and the Training Center staff. Graduation ceremonies are usually held each Friday morning at 1100. The ceremonies are typically held outdoors. In the event of inclement weather, graduations are held in the Training Center gymnasium. The family of each recruit is sent a letter informing them of the details of the graduation ceremony.
Stress Index
This will be a stressful time for you, but you will make significant progress towards becoming a productive member of the U.S. Coast Guard. The stress is there on purpose: to ensure you have what it takes to defend your country, enforce our laws, and save people in difficult circumstances. As you progress in training, you will be expected to perform at higher and higher levels.
The Stress Index provides you with an idea of how recruits rate the different stages of training.